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Last updated on 2024-01-04 | Edit this page

Good enough research practices for scientific computing






  • Introduction 13:40-13:55 (15 mins)
  • Data management 13.55-14.30 (35 mins)
  • Software 14.30-15.05 (35 mins)
  • Collaboration 15.05-15.30 (25 mins)
  • Break 15.30-15.45
  • Project organization 15:45-16.05 (20 mins)
  • Keeping track of changes 16.05-16.30 (25 mins)
  • Manuscripts (optional)
  • Wrap up and feedback 16.30-16.45 (15 mins)


Please write your name below to confirm attendance, and one thing you’re hoping to get out of this workshop:

          1. Feedback

Link to feedback form if needed


Discussion: research computing rights and wrongs

What can go wrong in research computing?

Wh at can go right in research computing?
## D ata management
## # Discussion: Data management problems

Exercise: Backing up your data

Tag with G for good and B for bad:

  • Commercial cloud service
  • In-house cloud service
  • USB pen-drive
  • External hard-drive
  • My laptop
  • My workstation’s hard-disk
  • Network drive

Discussion: which file formats do you store data in?

## # Discussion with partner: analysis friendly data
## # Exercise: which of these are good code comments?
*D is cuss with your neighbour and vote with + beside ones you think are good.*
- - - - - - - - - - “t fi fi ou da fu fu da ex al his function reads a file” le name le type tput type te nction author nction version ta columns or other properties pected file path / address (for example a specific directory or web address) l of the above
## C ollaboration
## # Discussion in groups
- - - Gr Gr Gr oup 1: How does collaboration help in scientific computing? oup 2: What goes wrong with collaboration? oup 3: How can you prepare to collaborate?
## # Discussion: what information belongs in a project README?

Project organization

Discussion in groups: what goes wrong?

## # Ex er cise: file organization by directory
## # Di sc ussion: what should be documented when you change something?

Evaluation and Feedback

Instructors and lesson maintainers use these responses to improve the lesson. It’s very helpful!

Please list one thing you liked or found particularly useful

## ## P le ase list another thing you found less useful, or that could be improved